September Operating Unit Forecast Guidelines


Please use the following guidelines (Appendix A-F) to prepare a unit forecast of year end results for the 2021/22 fiscal year.

To complete the required forecast, you need to download the 'Forecast and Forecast Combine Templates’ and the ‘Vacancy Savings Template' found on the Institutional Research and Planning website.

Please follow the step-by-step instructions in Appendix D – Instruction for Forecast Template and Appendix E – Instruction for Vacancy Template.

Please prepare a ‘Forecast and Budget Planning Template Package’ and ‘Vacancy Savings’ template for each of your areas of responsibility separately by fund for the General Operating funds (100 - General Operating; 102 - OVC Special Grant; 104 - Diploma Education; 105 – OVC HSC). Please refer to the Budget Liaison Contacts for details on the budget units to report on by fund. The Dean’s Office or Directorate Office is responsible for accumulating, consolidating, reviewing, and approving the detailed forecasts for their respective college or directorate, as outlined in the contact list.

The Office of Institutional Research and Planning compiles all the college/divisional forecasts and budget plan information into the University summary and is presented to the Board of Governors. To be able to do this accurately, we need consistent submissions from all units.  Please ensure that your forecast is in the template provided.

The FRS system functionality allows the direct download of FRS report data into an Excel spreadsheet. Detailed instructions are provided in the Appendices below.

Please review your unit forecast to ensure the information is correctly consolidated, calculated and the automatically populated columns reconcile to FRS with any additional adjustments clearly noted.



The second forecast will be due on January 10th, 2022.

Forecast and Budget Planning Preparation Support:

For assistance in preparing your forecast, please contact your Budget team liaison member, as outlined on the Budget Liaison Contact Listing for each budget unit.

Appendix A: Forecast Reporting Guidelines

A.  Purpose of Forecast:

There are two in-year forecasts that need to be completed for each budget unit in this fiscal year.

The forecast to be submitted in September 2021 is to estimate the 2021/2022 surplus/ (deficit) position for each budget unit. The results of this forecast will be presented to the Board of Governors, including revised COVID-19 pandemic financial impacts. The forecast that is due on January 10th, 2022 is to update the above in-year forecast based on actual results to April 30, 2022.

The fundamentals for building your forecast and explaining your surplus or deficit should be part of your normal financial management routines. This guideline provides general instructions for preparing a forecast in a consistent format for summary purposes.  Notes and explanations are an integral part of every forecast submission.

B.  Assumptions:

Each budget unit will have different methods and capabilities of completing this forecast.  Some have ongoing forecasting procedures; others have periodic forecasting efforts depending upon both the time of year and status of their budget.  This requirement to complete a forecast should be an extension of those procedures and not in addition to or separate from them.  Methods of forecasting expenditures and revenues may include using historical trends, using current commitments for personnel costs and using planned expenditures not yet recorded in FRS.  The segregation of special purpose or special project funds from the rest of operating funds may be helpful in compiling this information.  Please include notes on the forecast template to outline your assumptions, variances, or any other relevant information.

C.  Degree of Accuracy:

We understand that this will be yet another difficult year to forecast given the COVID-19 pandemic, however we want to encourage units to be forecasting as accurately as possible given that this information will be used to help advise university leadership on managing financial pressures. The acceptable target for accuracy remains at 5% of budget in 2021/22.  For example, if your total unit budget is $500,000 and you forecast a $25,000 surplus, an actual result of a $0 to $50,000 surplus would be reasonable.  Administrators should focus on a percentage of budget for accuracy.  

By its nature, any forecast contains a certain element of estimation and intelligent guesswork.  This exercise is no exception.  You will not be able to forecast exactly. However, your information is the basis of the consolidated University forecast and accuracy is important.

D. General Information of the Forecast Template

Below is an example of the forecast template Columns A to R.

Changes to the Template

The template this year has changed from last year. We have included new columns. Columns that are protected and others that are not protected. We have done this to ensure consistent submissions from all units and limit the number of errors when uploading these templates into tableau. We have also made changes to offer units more flexibility in terms of usability. Below is an overview of the template changes.

  1. We have included new columns Columns D, E, K, L, M &N (columns highlighted in green) that will automatically populate from the FRS download tabs. Although these are not new, they are now protected and cannot be changed.
  2. Columns are F, H, O, T, V, X, Z, and AC (columns highlighted in yellow) are new and are input or fillable fields, which are not protected. These are the fields you are requested to use for unit forecast submissions.  

Please note that when filling out your forecast in these fields you can either fill out at the object level or at the type level (grouping level 2), not both. The exception to this is in salaries as each object code in salaries needs to be forecasted at the object level to get the appropriate benefit rate. If you have values in both the object and the type level the summation formula at the type level will, by default, sum the object codes. For example, the below Figure 1A has a total of 7 in Column P at the type level (grouping level 2 total on Memberships and Training) and is pulling based on information provided at the object level and ignores the amount provided on the total for Memberships and Training. In Figure 1B, if you place data at the type level total and nothing at the object level the formula will pull in the total of $200 as the Memberships and Training total.

Figure 1A

Figure 1B


For any unit using formulas to bring in information from another spreadsheet, simply drag down your formula in any fillable yellow coloured column. Please note: the benefits will only calculate in the output columns not the input columns due to the drag and drop functionality. If you are pulling from an external file, please copy and paste values, so when reviewing the template there are no reference errors.

  1. Columns G, I, J, P, Q, R, U, W, Y & AA are (columns highlighted in blue) are output or non-fillable fields, which are protected and contain formulas that pull information from the yellow or fillable fields.
  2. Column B contains a filter to help with the usability of the template. This will allow you to filter your view to only the object codes that contain data either in the budget, actuals or added by the user in a fillable field. To use this feature please click on and select the ‘Y’ in the filter drop down menu.


Explanation of Columns A to R in the template

  1. Column A is blank.
  2. Column B contains a filter to help with the usability of the template.
  3. Column C contains the most common object codes and object categories, which are consistent with how the budget plan document reports to the Board of Governors (new category Internal Recoveries / Charges & Transfers is reported in Operating for Board Reporting).
    • To determine if there are object codes missing from your template, please look at column I in the FRS download tabs. If an object code is missing, it will be highlighted in red in this column. If this happens, please send the template to your budget liaison and they will add the missing object codes and send the updated template back to you.
    • There are three major categories: Revenues, Expenses and Transfers. Revenue categories include tuition, grants, student fees, sales of goods and services, Guelph Humber, and other. Expenses include salaries, benefits, scholarships and bursaries, utilities, operating, Internal Recoveries/Changes & Transfers and carryforward for budget only. The last section is Transfers. Transfers are from three main streams: OMAFRA, Ancillary and Heritage. These major cost and revenue object categories are further broken down by expense or revenue type. Note: for all categories, at a minimum, units should be forecasting at the type level (excel template grouping level 2) but are able to forecast at the object level if desired. Note: For ‘Salaries’, entries in “Base Adjustment”, “One-time Adjustment” and “Additional Spend” must be completed at the object code level to ensure accurate calculation of benefits on object 62306 from in the Salary tab. This is the only section that shows the objects within the type level at grouping level 2. To see a full list of object codes for each section, please expand all rows in the excel template.
  4. The six column headers colored green, Budget (Base), Budget (one-time), 2019/2020 Actuals, 2020/2021 Actuals, YTD spend, & Commitments, will be populated automatically, from the FRS excel downloads. For completing the FRS downloads, please follow step-by-step instructions in Appendix C.
    • Budget (Base) and Budget (One-time) represents your 2021/2022 budget. Budget (One-time) includes carryforward from 2020/2021.
    • Actuals 2019/2020 & 2020/2021 represent the total actual revenues and expense incurred in those years.
    • YTD Spend presents the actual expenses and revenues currently recorded in FRS for the 21/22 fiscal year. Please note that the September forecast is based on July YTD results and forecasting August 2021 – April 2022.
    • Commitments represents the committed payroll and general expenses. The commitments in payroll object codes are estimates of costs for salary and benefits for all regular full-time employees to April 30, 2022 and many temporary appointments to the earlier of either the end of their current appointment or April 30, 2022. Non personnel expenses are committed amounts for un-received goods from open Purchase Orders to April 30, 2022. Please note that you should review all commitments in detail to determine the validity of including them in your forecast. To correct commitments for purposes of the forecast please adjust the ‘Additional Spend’ column and include a note explaining the adjustment. You may encounter the occasional negative commitment amount in your FRS reports.  These amounts are errors that may occur for various reasons against open PO’s in the Oracle system.  Negative commitment amounts result in an overstatement of the remaining Balance in the account.  Your forecast should not include any negative commitment amounts. Please review the Procurement Services information web page on De-Commitment to have unneeded commitments removed.
  5. The three column headers in Yellow, Base Adjustment, One-time adjustment, and Additional spend are the columns in the main portion of the template that units are requested to provide input.
    • Columns titled “Base Adjustment” and “One-time Adjustment” is to be used if the unit has a budget adjustment that is expected but has not yet been recorded in FRS at the time of the budget data download (utilized if necessary).
    • The column titled `Additional Spend' is the column you are requested to input estimated expenses and revenues (up to April 30, 2022) which have not yet been recorded in FRS for 2021/2022. If your department has any commitment or actuals adjustments, please reflect these adjustments in this column as well.
  6. The six column headers colored in blue, Base Adjustment, One-time Adjustment, Budget, Additional Spend, Sept. Forecast and Variance, are formula driven columns in the main portion of the template and are protected.
    • Budget is the total of Budget (Base), Budget (One-time), Base Adjustment and One-time Adjustment.
    • The Sept. Forecast column is the sum of YTD Spend, Commitments and Additional Spend.
    • Variance column represents the difference between Budget and Forecast. The total of the Variance column is the surplus/deficit for 2021/2022.

Below is an example of the columns T, V, X, and Z on the right side of the forecast table which represent the major items reflected in the “Variance”, in column R.  Note that we are not asking for the total variance in column R to be explained in this section. This section is only meant to identify the major items that help explain the variance.

  1. COVID-19 Adjustment: any pandemic related impacts are to be recorded in this column. These variances include lost revenues and expense savings (budgeted but will not be incurred / realized) due to a program not being able to run because of COVID-19 or additional expenses in order to remain operational and meet COVID-19 safety protocols.
      • Examples could include:
        • Reduced membership, facility rentals, event fees, etc
        • Utilities expense savings due to lower consumption
        • Reduced repair costs because of fewer students, staff and faculty on campus
  2. Vacancy Savings: this column will identify the variances from position vacancy savings, as new hires continue to be carefully reviewed by senior leaders resulting in certain open positions remaining unfilled for a period. To calculate the total of vacancy savings, please follow the framework and instructions for completing the Vacancy Savings Template, as outlined in Appendix B and Appendix E.
  3. Carryforward Plans: this will be used to identify other costs included in the variance that will result in reducing carryforward balances. 
  4. Other: this will be used to identify other costs or savings included in the variance but cannot be explained by COVID-19, Vacancy Savings, or Carryforward spending.

Note for the value signs in this section: please use positive sign for revenue increases and negative sign for revenue losses. Cost savings are positive values and additional costs are negative values.

Below are some general instructions for the 2021/2022 forecast procedure:

  1. As mentioned in the Overview you will need to create a separate forecast report for each sub-fund in General Operating (fund #100,102,104,105) as part of your Forecast and Budget Planning Package you create for each sub-fund in General Operating. 
  2. Notes should be made in the note column on the forecast template describing assumptions made and explaining any significant surplus or deficit forecasted.  Include information for any surpluses which are committed at year end for future equipment purchases or multi-year projects. Note: detailed notes should be utilized to explain variances, however not all variances need to be explained. As a gauge, at the type level (grouping level 2) explain variances that are above 2% of your total budget (Cell J8). If you are forecasting at the object level, please also explain variances that are above 2% of your total budget.
  3. Units are welcome to complete a Forecast at lower hierarchical levels then indicated in the Budget Liaison Contact Listing, however you must submit a summary package for the budget unit you are reporting on, as outlined in the Contact Listing. Please see Appendix F for help with combining files.
  4. Auto Benefit Calculations: In this template, benefits will automatically be calculated and populated in the appropriate object code line (62306).

Completed forecasts are to be submitted to the Office of Institutional Research and Planning by Monday, September 13th, 2021 to

Appendix B: Vacancy Savings Framework 


In order to assess the financial impacts of vacancy savings within the forecast, this framework should be followed.

Position vacancy savings can occur due to the following scenarios:

  1. The role is vacant and will not be filled – as it has not been deemed essential for hire. For purposes of assessing the financial impacts of these vacancies – it should be assumed that this role will be vacant through to April 30, 2022.
  2. The role is vacant – has been deemed essential for hire – but will be vacant during the recruitment process. For purposes of assessing the financial impacts of these vacancies – it will be up to the judgement of the unit to assess how long the role will be vacant while the recruitment process is completed.
  3. The role is occupied by an employee who has been temporarily placed on leave because of COVID-19 and the employee is deemed to be on a job protected Infectious Disease Emergency Leave (IDEL) for a period. For purposes of assessing the financial impacts of these vacancies – the unit will assess based on the term of the leave provided to the employee from which they are expected to return.
  4. The role is occupied by an employee who has been placed on reduced hours because of COVID-19 and the employee is on a partial job protected IDEL.  For purposes of assessing the financial impacts of these vacancies – the unit will assess based on the term of the reduced hours leave provided to the employee from which they are expected to return.

Estimating Financial Impacts:

Financial impacts associated with vacant positions include:

  1. Employee compensation savings: salaries or wages and benefits based on allocation rates (includes PDR, statutory benefits, pension, health, dental, life insurance, etc)
  2. Employee benefit costs: Employees who are either on a temporary leave or reduced hours through the statutory IDEL provided under the Employment Standards Act (ESA) – an employer is required to provide benefits to the employee as if they were an active employment and if employee pays their share of the benefit costs.  This means that the University is required to continuing bearing the employer related costs associated with benefits provided. Units will continue to be charged the benefit allocation rate for individuals in IDEL.
  3. Employee backfill costs: if the position is essential for delivering services but cannot be recruited in time to deliver the service (i.e. vacant faculty role for the fall 2021 semester) – contract support may be required such as sessionals or CL’s for faculty roles; or overtime may be required to fill the role.
  4. Reduced fee revenues: due to not being able to provide a service
  5. Reduced recoveries: such as from ancillaries due to not providing custodial services

In order to ensure that all financial impacts of vacant positions are appropriately tracked – it is currently recommended that these impacts remain in the units or colleges where the impacted positions are budgeted.


To demonstrate how these vacant position financial impacts could impact the colleges / units, the following examples are provided. The dollar values in these examples are only for demonstration purposes and are not intended to reflect actual results.


If the college had a vacant faculty position, which was partially backfilled by sessionals:

    • Salary & Benefit savings ($192,500) – vacant faculty position for the full year – position budget
    • Salary & Benefit costs ($57,800) – sessionals for two semesters

The net vacancy savings are $134,700.

Unpaid IDEL

If a department were to place RFT staff on an IDEL for 3 months:

    • Salary & Benefit savings ($105,600) - placement of 6 staff on IDEL, for 3 months –position budget for 3 months.
    • Benefit costs ($17,500) -– University required to maintain active employee benefits.
    • Revenues loss ($90,000) - due to these leaves the unit provides fewer services relating to this leave period.

The vacancy savings are a net cost of $1,900.

Reduction in Hours

If a department were to reduce staff hours such that they earned 20% of their regular salary:

    • Salary & Benefit savings ($358,400) – reduce 10 staff’s hours by 80%, for 7 months – putting them on an unpaid infectious disease leave per the ESA for the reduced hours – difference between budget and reduced hours.
    • Benefit costs ($74,200) - University required to provide employer portion of the benefits (based on current salary of the employees – not reflecting reduced hours)

The net vacancy savings are $284,200.

Partial Back Fill

If a department had a vacant position, which was partially backfilled by other staff working overtime:

    • Salary & Benefit savings ($51,300) – vacant position for 6 months while the role is recruited – 50% of vacant position budget
    • Overtime costs ($20,000) – other staff pick up the workload while the role is recruited

The net vacancy savings are $31,300.

The vacancy savings template, which is an input into the Forecast, is due on Monday, September 13th, 2021.

Appendix C: Instruction for Data Download  

Step 1:  Download the 'Forcast and Forcast Combine Templatesfound on the IRP website.

Complete One Budget Download:

Step 2: Complete the FRS 2122 Budget Download Tab in the package

1. Login to FRS

2. Go to FRS -> Budget -> Summary -> Object

3. Select Period - Current Year. Type the Fund & Unit Number that you want to use for the forecast. (You do not need to make any changes in Group Section)

4. Hit Run Button

5. After the FRS report is run, go to the bottom of the web page. Click Excel

6. Open FRS downloads

7. Go to the FRS 2122 Budget Download Tab in the package and enter the unit number and the unit name in Cell B3.

8. Copy & Paste FRS Downloads to this tab, starting from Cell A8.

9. The Budget section in the Forecast tab will be populated automatically

10. Check the boxes in columns E and F. If they are green (or have a zero balance), it means the Forecast Template matches with the FRS download. If the boxes are red (contain a value greater than zero), it means FRS does not match with this forecast template and reconciliation is needed. To help determine where to reconcile please look at column I and if an object code is missing in the template, it will be highlighted in red in this column. If this happens, please send the template to your budget liaison and they will add the missing object codes and send the updated template back to you. Note: if you are using the combined file, that is used to merge multiple forecast files into one, please ensure each forecast file has the same object codes, otherwise object codes will be missed in your combined file.

Complete the three Actual Downloads:

Step 3: Complete the 2122 FRS Actual Download Tabs in the template

1. Go to FRS -> Actual -> Summary -> Object

2. Select Period – 2021-07. Type the Fund & Unit Number that you want to use for the forecast. (You do not need to make any changes in Group Section)

3. Hit Run Button

4. After the FRS report is run, go to the bottom of the web page. Click Excel

5. Open FRS downloads

6. Go to the FRS 2122 Actual Download Tab in the package.

7. Copy & Paste FRS Downloads to this tab, starting from Cell A8.

8. The columns of YTD Spend and Commitments in Forecast tab will be populated automatically

9. Check the box in columns E. If it is green (or has a zero balance), it means Forecast Template matches with the FRS download. If the box is red (if value is greater than zero), it means FRS does not match with this forecast template and reconciliation is needed. To help determine where to reconcile please look at column I and if an object code is missing in the template, it will be highlighted in red in this column. If this happens, please send the template to your budget liaison and they will add the missing object codes and send the updated template back to you. Note: if you are using the combined file, that is used to merge multiple forecast files into one, please ensure each forecast file has the same object codes, otherwise object codes will be missed in your combined file.

Step 4: Complete the following step for 1920 FRS Actual Download Tabs in the template

1. Go to FRS -> Actual -> Summary -> Object

2. Select Period - 2020-04 to populate the FRS 1920 Actual Download tab. Type the Fund & Unit Number that you want to use for the forecast. (You do not need to make any changes in Group Section)

3. Hit Run Button

4. After the FRS report is run, go to the bottom of the web page. Click Excel

5. Open FRS downloads

6. Go to the FRS 1920 Actual Download Tab in the package.

7. Copy & Paste FRS Downloads to this tab, starting from Cell A8.

8. The columns of YTD Spend and Commitments in Forecast tab will be populated automatically

9. Check the box in columns E. If it is green (or has a zero balance), it means Forecast Template matches with the FRS download. If the box is red (if value is greater than zero), it means FRS does not match with this forecast template and reconciliation is needed. To help determine where to reconcile please look at column I and if an object code is missing in the template, it will be highlighted in red in this column. If this happens, please send the template to your budget liaison and they will add the missing object codes and send the updated template back to you. Note: if you are using the combined file, that is used to merge multiple forecast files into one, please ensure each forecast file has the same object codes, otherwise object codes will be missed in your combined file

 Step 5: Complete the following step for 2021 FRS Actual Download Tabs in the template

1. Go to FRS -> Actual -> Summary -> Object

2. Select Period - 2021-04 to populate the FRS 2021 Actual Download tab. Type the Fund & Unit Number that you want to use for the forecast. (You do not need to make any changes in Group Section)

3. Hit Run Button

4. After the FRS report is run, go to the bottom of the web page. Click Excel

5. Open FRS downloads

6. Go to the FRS 2021 Actual Download Tab in the package.

7. Copy & Paste FRS Downloads to this tab, starting from Cell A8.

8. The columns of YTD Spend and Commitments in Forecast tab will be populated automatically

9. Check the box in columns E. If it is green (or has a zero balance), it means Forecast Template matches with the FRS download. If the box is red (if value is greater than zero), it means FRS does not match with this forecast template and reconciliation is needed. To help determine where to reconcile please look at column I and if an object code is missing in the template, it will be highlighted in red in this column. If this happens, please send the template to your budget liaison and they will add the missing object codes and send the updated template back to you. Note: if you are using the combined file, that is used to merge multiple forecast files into one, please ensure each forecast file has the same object codes, otherwise object codes will be missed in your combined file

Please complete the instructions above in Appendix C – Instruction for Data Download prior to completing the following Forecast template instructions.

Appendix D: Instruction for Forecast Template

Step 1: Add in your units Base and/or One-time budget adjustments into columns F & H. Please refer to Appendix A –for the definition of both ‘Base Adjustment’ and ‘One-time Adjustment’.

Step 2: Add the Additional Spend into Column O. Please refer Appendix A for the definition of ‘Additional Spend’. Additional spend should be recorded at the type level (grouping level 2), however, you may complete this at the object level if desired (grouping level 3).

Step 3: Please identify the values reflected in the Variance in columns T – AA.

1. Complete columns T, X, & Z based on the definitions outlined in Appendix A – bullet ‘f, h & i’.

2. Complete column V, based on completed template for vacancy savings. Please use Appendix B – Framework for Vacancy Savings and Appendix E – Instruction for Vacancy Savings.

Appendix E: Instructions for Vacancy Savings Template

To pull vacancy information from FRS in your department, please follow these instructions.

Step 1: Find all the vacant positions

Please login to FRS. Budget -> Position -> Unit

- Select 'Current Year'.

- Optional: Please type the department number or unit number you are forecasting under Unit

- Optional: Enter object code by employee groups. Please refer Rates tab in the template to find the object code for each group

- In search field, type in 'Vacant' & click 'Run' to run the report

- FRS will run a list of the vacant positions. It includes position numbers, payroll distributions and funding & % Distribution within this department.

Below is an example of the FRS Budget Position Report

  * if a position is funded from different departments, only the % funded within the selected department/unit will show in this report.

Step 2: Fill the Vacancy Savings Template

- Download the Vacancy Savings Template from the website

- Please fill in the information for each vacant position into the template based on the FRS report

- Please identify Type of Vacancy (Column F) and the Term of Vacancy (Column G) for each position, as per the framework outlined.

- Copy the Annual Position Budget from FRS Report to the Template in Column I.

- Fill the Costs and Lost Revenue & Recoveries sections (as negative values), as per the framework outlined.

Step 3: If applicable, below is the instruction to find the working period for 7-8-9 months continuing full-time positions in FRS.

- Go to the Budget drop down menu, then click on Position, then Click on Unit. Enter the unit number the positions are located and hit the run button. Find the appliable position(s) and click on Tran in the Position Line.

- FRS will direct to a new web page and the working period could be found under Funding Date Range.

Please note: the total funding in FRS report for 7-8-9 months continuing FT positions are pro-rated amount for the working period, not annual salary.

Appendix F: Combine Template Forecast Reporting Guidelines

The 'Forecast Combine Template' file allows users to combine multiple unit forecast templates into one combined template


This will be done using a built in Excel function called Power Query


  1. Close any templates that are open


  1. Data -> Get Data -> From File -> From Folder

  1. In the popup, open the folder where the templates are located and click open

Note: Folder must contain nothing other than the files to be combined


  1. Click drop down button for Combine and select “Combine & Load”

Note: Make sure all templates to be combined are displayed on the popup

  1. Select Forecast under Parameter and click ok



  1. In the new sheet that is created, close "Queries & Connection" on the right side


  1. In the Forecast sheet, enter the name of the sheet that was created into cell C6 (highlighted in yellow), this tells the Forecast sheet where to pull the data from

  1. Check to see if data is pulled correctly



  1. Refreshing Data

If you make any changes to any of the templates that has been compiled, you can simply refresh the data by Data -> Refresh All

Note: Must have all templates closed


Comments will not be combined. Units can add comments in Column V as necessary.