2019-2020 Key Performance Indicators

The following table displays graduation and employment rates available as of 2020 for the University of Guelph.

Graduation Rates (Undergraduate)

Graduation rates are calculated by the MCU by following a single cohort to determine whether the students graduated within 7 years. The chosen cohort consists of first-time, full-time undergraduate students in their first year based on the official Fall 2011 enrolment file. The records of these students were matched against records of those who were awarded degrees from the University of Guelph from 2012 to 2018. These graduation rates are understated as students who have transferred to another institution are recorded as “not graduating”.

Employment Rates (Undergraduate)

Employment rates result from the Ontario University Graduate Survey (OUGS). In 2020, all 2017 graduates will be asked about their employment situation 6 months and 2 years after graduating. 

OSAP Default Rates (Undergraduate and Graduate)

OSAP default rates are the percentage of students issued Canada-Ontario Integrated Student Loans (COISL) in 2017-18 who did not receive loans or grants through OSAP in 2018-19 and who defaulted on their repayment responsibilities as of July 2020. OSAP default rates are calculated by the MCU.

2019-2020 Graduation, Employment, and COISL Default Rates: Guelph1, 2

Program Graduation Rate3

Graduate Employment Rate

(6 Months)4

Graduate Employment Rate

(2 Years)4

COISL Default Rate5
Agriculture & Bio Sci 81.0% 94.1% 95.0% 1.5%
Architecture & Landsc Arch 94.0% 100.0% 96.3% 6.3%
Business & Commerce 79.6% 94.9% 96.3% 2.2%
Computer Science 68.3% 89.3% 96.4% 0.0%
Engineering 76.3% 87.8% 96.9% 2.2%
Fine & Applied Arts 65.2% 81.5% 92.0% 5.0%
Food Science & Nutrition 81.3% 94.3% 94.2% 2.0%
Health Professions - - - -
Humanities 74.8% 91.9% 95.8% 0.5%
Kin / Rec / Phys. Ed 88.9% 94.2% 98.5% 1.8%
Mathematics 75.0% x x 0.0%
Other Arts & Science 73.7% 88.6% 93.9% 5.0%
Pharmacy - - - -
Physical Sciences 77.0% 75.0% 84.2% 0.0%
Social Sciences 79.4% 91.6% 95.2% 2.9%
Veterinary Medicine 100.0% 97.0% 100.0% 0.0%
Institution Total 79.2% 92.4% 95.3% 2.0%
System Total Rate 76.9% 90.8% 95.5% 2.7%
1 “-“ indicates no data available.
2 To ensure respondent's confidentiality, cell counts less-than 5 are displayed as "x".
3 Degree Completion Rate for undergraduate cohort, fall new, year 1 students vs. graduates over a 7 year period. 
4 Graduate Employment Rate is the number of graduates of bachelors or first professional degree programs expressed as a percentage of the labour force after graduation.
5 Canada-Ontario Integrated Student Loan Default Rates not yet available.