January Forecast Guidelines and Templates

Please prepare a 2023/24 year-end forecast for your unit, utilizing the ‘2324 January Forecast Guidelines’ and ‘2324 January Forecast Template’ below. If you plan to complete multiple templates for your unit (e.g. preparing forecasts by department within a unit), please use the ‘2324 January Forecast Combine Template’ to present your forecast to the unit level.

(Updated December 4, 2023)
Forecast Guidelines – 2324 January Forecast
(Updated December 13, 2023)
2324 January Forecast Template
(Updated December 4, 2023)
2324 January Forecast Combine Template

The Office of Institutional Research and Planning compiles all the college/divisional forecasts and budget plan information into the University summary and is presented to the Board of Governors. To be able to do this accurately, we need consistent submissions from all units.  Please ensure that your forecast is in the template provided.

Please email your forecast submission to budget.innovation@uoguelph.ca