2015-2016 Key Performance Indicators

2015-2016 Graduation, Employment, and COISL Default Rates: Guelph1, 2, 3

Program COISL Default Rate5 Graduation Rate4

Graduate Employment Rate

(6 Months)5

Graduate Employment Rate

(2 Years)5

Agriculture & Bio Sci 1.1% 78.1% 86.0% 92.4%
Architecture & Landsc Arch 0.0% 92.9% 71.4% 90.9%
Business & Commerce 2.2% 76.8% 88.4% 95.5%
Computer Science 1.8% 68.2% x x
Engineering 0.0% 78.6% 94.9% 97.7%
Fine & Applied Arts 7.8% 76.5% 89.5% 91.7%
Food Science & Nutrition 2.3% 80.3% 87.0% 93.2%
Health Professions 0.0% 88.9% x x
Humanities 3.8% 74.3% 87.0% 90.5%
Kin / Rec / Phys. Ed 0.9% 83.6% 93.2% 93.1%
Mathematics 0.0% 85.7% x x
Other Arts & Science 4.6% 76.8% 92.5% 96.4%
Pharmacy x - x x
Physical Sciences 0.0% 71.3% x x
Social Sciences 3.4% 75.0% 88.7% 95.2%
Veterinary Medicine 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 98.0%
Institution Total 2.4% 77.5% 88.8% 94.0%
System Total Rate 3.6% 77.3% 87.0% 93.56%
1 “-“ indicates no data available.
2 To ensure respondent's confidentiality, cell counts less-than 5 are displayed as "x".
3 Degree Completion Rate for undergraduate cohort, fall new, year 1 students vs. graduates over a 7 year period.
4 Graduate Employment Rate is the number of graduates of bachelors or first professional degree programs expressed as a percentage of the labour force after graduation.
5 As of 2012, Canada-Ontario Integrated Student Loan Default Rate includes those who defaulted on Canada Student Loans and Ontario Student Loans